Friday, April 13, 2007

Seed Meals

Chia Seeds -
A gluten-free seed that comes from a plant in the mint family (Salvia hispanica). The meal made from ground chia seeds is called pinole. The seeds are available from Native Seeds/SEARCH.

Flaxseed Meal (Brown, Golden, Common Flax, Linseed) -
Flaxseeds come from a plant in the linum family. You can find gluten-free brown and golden flaxseed that you can grind into meal at: Bob's Red Mill and Arrowhead Mills.

Job's Tears Flour/Meal (Coixseed, Adlay, Adlai, Chinese Pearl Barley) - A flour made from the seeds of a tall cereal grass (
Croix lacryma-jobi) that ranges from East Asia to East India. Look for Job's Tears in Asian markets.

Lupin Flour - Made from the seeds of the lupin flower. Note: People who are allergic to peanuts should be cautious about consuming lupin seeds/flour. The Italian company, Bi-Aglut carries some products with lupin flour.

Plantago (Psyllium) Seed Meal -
Made from the seeds of the plantago flower.
To make plantago seed meal, grind seeds in a coffee or spice grinder. Plantago seed meal is used as a stabilizer or gelling agent for gluten free foods or frozen desserts like sherbet.

Plantago seeds contain fiber, protein and triglycerides. Some people can have an allergic or asthmatic reaction to consuming plantago (psyllium) seeds. If you decide you would like to use psyllium on a regular basis and take certain herbal supplements, vitamins or medications you should be aware that there might be some interactions, so make sure to check with your personal physician before using it.

Sesame Seed Meal -
The seeds from an annual plant in the Sesamum family. Used as a gluten free meal in pastry items in Greece. You can find gluten-free sesame seeds (hulled & unhulled) at Arrowhead Mills.

Sunflower Seed Meal -
The seeds or kernels of the sunflower plant. You can find gluten-free sunflower seeds at: Arrowhead Mills.

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